There are a huge variety of birds available as pets in New Zealand. Each variety has unique characteristics, colours, sizes, temperament and special needs so it’s important that you learn and gather as much information as possible. This will help you choose the right bird for your needs and also cater adequately for the bird’s needs too.
Some birds like handling but others don’t. All birds are enjoyable to watch, listen to and have around. Some birds are great talkers, others have a beautiful song and some bring endless fun antics to each day.
Learn all you can about the type of bird you are getting. Equipped with knowledge and understanding, you will have a better idea of what to expect. You’ll then be able to provide the pet bird care it needs and the result will be maximum enjoyment with.
Buying a bird is a serious commitment for at least five years but some birds can even live as long as you!
Keep in mind the following helpful checklist when making your decision: